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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions 


  1. General. These Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Terms”) govern: (i) your use of and access to, the SAR Platform℠ and all other websites, landing pages, features, apps, technologies, accounts, platforms and software offered by us (collectively, “Websites”); and (ii) the purchase, sale and use of any subscriptions offered by us on such Websites, specifically including, without limitation, subscriptions for a non-exclusive license to ACE Alerts℠ and the contents/data thereof (such subscriptions are referred to collectively as “Products”). By using or accessing any of our Websites or by purchasing or using any of our Products, you agree to be legally bound by the Terms. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Terms, our Websites or our Products, please contact us by email at

  2. Definitions. SAR, LLC, a Maryland limited liability company, and its affiliates, successors, agents and assigns are collectively referred to in the Terms as “we”, “us”, “our” or “SAR”. The individual using or accessing any of our Websites or purchasing or using any of our Products is referred to in the Terms as “you”, “your” or “User”. Certain other capitalized words are defined throughout the text of the Terms and shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them.

  3. User Duties. You must be at least 18 years of age to use or access our Websites, purchase or use our Products and/or set up an account with us. When you set up an account with us, you must: (1) provide accurate information about yourself (and keep such information up to date); (2) create only one account (your own); (3) not share your password, give others access to your account or transfer your account to anyone else; (4) not be under 18 years old; and (5) not be the holder of an account that was previously disabled or suspended by us. You represent and warrant that you are not prohibited from receiving/using/accessing/purchasing our Websites and/or Products under applicable laws. You further represent and warrant that any purchases of our Products are for your own personal use and not for resale or export. We reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, with or without notice and for any or no reason, to limit purchase quantities, restrict or prohibit access and use of our Websites, refuse sales and/or deactivate or suspend accounts or subscriptions. In addition, you agree not to engage in (or facilitate/support others engaging in) the following conduct: (1) using our Websites to do or share anything that (a) violates the Terms, (b) is unlawful, misleading, discriminatory or fraudulent, (c) infringes or violates someone else's rights, including their intellectual property rights, or (d) is offensive, violent or inappropriate, as determined within our sole and absolute discretion; (2) uploading viruses or malicious code or do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working or appearance of our Websites; or (3) accessing or collecting data from our Websites using automated means (without our prior written permission) or attempting to access data you do not have explicit permission to access. We can suspend or terminate your account and/or subscription, and prohibit you from using our Websites, at any time for any or no reason, within our sole and absolute discretion and with or without notice. We can use, without any restriction, any feedback/suggestions about our Websites or Products that you provide without any obligation to compensate you or keep your feedback/suggestions confidential. You authorize us to record our telephone and written conversations with you for verification and quality control purposes.

  4. Order Placement. You can place an order for purchase of our Products by checking out through your account with us. We are not responsible for any inaccurate information you provide at checkout or in connection with your account or Product subscription.

  5. Intellectual Property. Any content on or in our Websites or Products covered by intellectual property rights is owned, controlled and/or licensed by us or third parties (for example, images, designs, logos, texts, code, videos or sounds), and we or such third parties (as applicable) retain all rights, ownership and control with respect to such content.

  6. Advertisement. You agree that we may utilize web-based tracking tools and software (for example, Google Analytics or other analytic service providers) to analyze your activity on our Websites. You further agree that we may use your email address and/or phone number to confirm account activity and send you emails and/or texts regarding advertisements, your purchases, our Websites and Products and/or third-party products and services. You will have the ability to opt out of marketing emails and texts.

  7. Data. You agree that any and all data (including personal data) deriving from your access or use of our Websites and/or purchase or use of our Products is our property and can be used by us without any restrictions. Examples of data include, but are not limited to, your personal data (such as your name, email, phone number, address, employer and job title), your current/past usage of our Websites, content, communications and other information you provide when you use or access our Websites, purchase or use our Products or sign up for an account with us. To learn more about how your data is used, please review our Privacy Policy.

  8. Cookies. Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information on web browsers. Cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on computers, phones, and other devices. Other technologies, including data we store on your web browser or device, identifiers associated with your device, and other software, are used for similar purposes. In the Terms, we refer to all of these technologies as “Cookies.” You consent to our use of Cookies, within our sole and absolute discretion, for any lawful purpose. You further consent to the use of Cookies on our Websites by third parties. To learn more about how Cookies are used, please review our Privacy Policy.

  9. Survival. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the Terms will remain in effect both during and after your use or access of our Websites, purchase or use of our Products and/or account or subscription sign up, deletion, termination or suspension. The provisions of the Terms will inure to the benefit of us and our affiliates, successors and assigns, as well as the officers, directors and employees of each of these entities and us. For the avoidance of doubt, each and every duty, obligation, promise, indemnity and covenant of User contained in the Terms, and each representation and warranty made by User, shall expressly survive suspension, termination, deletion or expiration of User’s subscription or account indefinitely.

  10. ACE Alert Subscription. Through your account with us, you will have the ability to obtain an ACE Alerts℠ subscription at one of the following subscription levels:

    10.1. ACE Alert Subscription – Trial: Select this option to receive a single ACE Alert on one of the ten selected publicly-traded companies on the NYSE or NASDAQ at no cost. This trial subscription will provide you with the first ACE Alert that is triggered for any of the selected ten public companies. Upon receiving the first ACE Alert, the trial subscription will end, and you will have the option to continue receiving ACE Alerts℠ by paying the annual subscription fee for an executive subscription (described below).

    10.2. ACE Alert Subscription – Executive: Select this option to receive ACE Alerts℠ for up to ten publicly-traded companies on the NYSE or NASDAQ for the annual subscription fee of $4,000 per company. This executive subscription will provide you with ACE Alerts℠ that are triggered for the selected companies during a full year beginning on the first trading day after signing-up for your ACE Alert subscription. This executive subscription will also provide you with limited access to the SAR Platform℠ to attain: (i) the SAR Risk Dashboard for the selected company flagged with an ACE Alert, which presents all High-Risk Adverse Corporate Events and the corresponding market capitalization losses during the preceding two years; and (ii) the SAR Risk Score℠ for each selected company. NO REFUNDS OF ANY SUBSCRIPTION FEES WILL BE ISSUED UPON TERMINATION, SUSPENSION, DELETION OR EXPIRATION OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION OR ACCOUNT BY YOU OR SAR FOR ANY OR NO REASON.

  11. ACE Alerts℠ Generally. ACE Alerts℠ are delivered via e-mail directly to the email address provided by User. SAR strives to use commercially reasonable efforts to issue each ACE Alert prior to the market open on the subsequent trading day following the date that an Adverse Corporate Event (“ACE”) impacted the price of the common stock of the selected company based on the corresponding SAR database and event study analysis. However, SAR shall not be responsible or liable for any delay or failure to issue any ACE Alert (whether or not caused by or the fault of SAR). User understands and acknowledges that a selected company may become ineligible for ACE Alerts℠ for reasons beyond SAR’s control (for example, without limitation, the selected company may cease being publicly traded), and in such event SAR shall not be liable or responsible for same and no refund of subscription fees will be issued. Each ACE Alert includes sixteen SAR data components for the selected company and, to the extent available based on the corresponding SAR database and event study analysis, presents the date and time of the corresponding corporate actions that triggered the ACE. An ACE Alert is only issued upon independent identification of any type of ACE (Type I, Type II or Hight Risk) according to SAR’s database and event study results. User understands and acknowledges that SAR does not provide qualitative analysis or commentary as part of the ACE Alerts℠ or your ACE Alert subscription. Moreover, SAR shall not be required to provide any back-up documentation unless it is required by subpoena issued by a court of competent jurisdiction or by law. User further acknowledges and agrees that the ACE Alerts℠ provided by SAR are administrative and technological in nature and that SAR is not providing investment or legal advice, or otherwise acting in an investment or legal advisory capacity, to User or anyone else. To the extent the ACE Alerts℠ or your ACE Alert subscription are covered by any privacy or other regulation, User shall be solely and exclusively responsible for compliance with same. The ACE Alerts℠ and the contents, data and information that comprises ACE Alerts℠ is provided by SAR “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE”.  SAR makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the ACE Alerts℠ (or the data and contents therein and reports generated thereby). SAR expressly disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose respecting the ACE Alerts℠ (and the data and contents therein and reports generated thereby). User understands and acknowledges that its use or reliance upon the ACE Alerts℠ (and/or the data and contents therein and reports generated thereby) is at his/her sole risk and discretion. SAR is not responsible for any missed ACEs, failure to issue an ACE Alert or delays in issuing an ACE Alert. User understands and acknowledges that ACE Alerts℠ are based solely on public information available to SAR through its raw data sources (which may include, without limitation, S&P Global Market Intelligence, ISS SCAS, FINRA, SEC’s EDGAR system and Amazon AWS Infrastructure) and processed by SAR in its sole and absolute discretion, and that ACE Alerts℠ may not be comprehensive. User understands and acknowledges that the ACE Alerts℠ (and the data and contents therein and reports generated thereby) are provided for informational purposes only, and, as such, same and any results therefrom shall not to be construed as an admission that anyone engaged in any wrongful, tortious, or unlawful activity, and no fraud or wrongdoing of any kind is alleged or implied by same or any such results derived therefrom. Upon termination or expiration of your subscription or account for any or no reason, all rights, licenses and subscriptions granted to User herein shall immediately terminate, and User’s access to the ACE Alerts℠ and SAR Platform℠ will be immediately terminated. User understands and acknowledges that ACE Alerts℠ and/or the SAR Platform℠ may not be available to or received by User due to: (i) scheduled system back-up or other on-going maintenance as determined to be appropriate by SAR in its sole and absolute discretion, or (ii) any unforeseen cause beyond SAR's reasonable control, including but not limited to Internet service provider or communications network failures, service interruption by cloud infrastructure provider, denial of service attacks or similar attacks, or any other force majeure events set forth in Section 31 below. User acknowledges that all right, title, ownership, and interest (including intellectual property rights) in and to the ACE Alerts (and the data and contents therein and reports generated thereby), including, without limitation, any of SAR’s software, codes, algorithms, sequences, derivative works, organization, structure, interfaces, any documentation, reports, data, copyrights, database rights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks, logos, trade names (whether registered or unregistered), and the goodwill of the business associated with such trademarks or trade names, or other related materials (collectively, the “SAR IP”), is, and at all times shall remain, the sole and exclusive property of SAR. The SAR IP is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties, and, as such, all right, title, and interest in and to the SAR IP is owned exclusively by SAR. Except the non-exclusive license to use the ACE Alerts℠ as expressly provided and limited herein, the ACE Alert subscription does not grant to User, and shall not be deemed to grant to User, any ownership of, rights to or rights in, SAR IP, or any other ownership, rights or licenses with respect to the ACE Alerts℠ (or the data and contents therein and reports generated thereby). FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT: (I) THE ACE ALERTS℠ (AND THE DATA AND CONTENTS THEREIN AND REPORTS GENERATED THEREBY) ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF SAR; AND (II) USER’S PURCHASE OF AN ACE ALERT SUBSCRIPTION GRANTS USER A NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE TO USE SAME, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS.

  12. ACE Alerts℠ – Further Disclosure. All content in ACE Alerts℠ is subject to revision from time to time in SAR’s sole and absolute discretion. Source financial data used to perform the event study analysis to identify the ACEs and the estimate of market capitalization losses are publicly available and obtained from SAR’s raw data providers. No fraud or wrongdoing is alleged or implied by the information presented in ACE Alerts℠. User hereby agrees and acknowledges that any estimates or projections contained in ACE Alerts℠ are only estimates or projections by SAR, that actual results will vary, and may vary substantially, from those estimates or projections by SAR and are based on many variables, assumptions and forecasts, many of which are beyond the control of SAR and any of which may present differences with estimates that are quantified using different techniques. Any statistical and quantitative analyses that form the basis of an ACE Alert related to potential violations of federal securities laws are based on ACEs as identified by SAR using the court-accepted event study methodology with the application of a two-year evaluation period, or a different evaluation period according to the data made available for that U.S. public company. A single-firm multivariate regression analysis with a minimum of 100 observations (if a full 252 observations is unattainable) for a control period is applied to evaluate the statistical significance of the logarithmic residual stock price decline on the trading day(s) affected by the ACEs as identified by SAR. Stock price reaction is evaluated by estimating the statistical significance of the stock price decline in response to the ACE. Statistical significance is measured by computing the t-statistic of the residual stock price decline on the close-to-close trading session that is affected by the information disseminated via the ACE and may potentially constitute an alleged corrective in a securities class action claim for alleged violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or the Securities Act of 1933, or a shareholder derivate claim. This statistical exercise is also known as a t-test. If the t-statistic is greater than the t-statistic value of plus or minus 1.96, then the likelihood that the residual return could have been caused by non-company specific factors may be less than 5%. The applied control period ends a trading day prior to the start of the applied evaluation period, depending on data availability.

  13. ACE Alert Confidentiality; Personal Use. User agrees that ACE Alerts℠ (and the content therein) constitute confidential information. User agrees to use reasonable efforts to ensure that the confidentiality of ACE Alerts℠ (and the content therein) received by him/her is maintained. The ACE Alerts℠ (and the content therein) shall be held in strict confidence by User and shall not be disclosed by User to any third parties without SAR’s prior written consent, except to the extent required by applicable law or a valid court or administrative order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should User be required to disclose an ACE Alert (or the content therein) to comply with applicable law or a valid court or administrative order, then User shall: (i) promptly notify SAR in writing of the existence, terms and circumstances of such required disclosure (to the extent such notification is lawful); (ii) consult with SAR on the advisability of taking legally available steps to resist or narrow such disclosure; (iii) disclose only so much information as is required; and (iv) take all reasonable and lawful actions to obtain confidential treatment for such disclosure. Without limiting the foregoing confidentiality obligations: User hereby acknowledges and agrees that the ACE Alerts℠ (and contents thereof) received by him/her are for User’s personal, non-commercial use only. User shall not distribute or share (including by email forward or otherwise) any ACE Alerts℠ received by him/her or the contents thereof. Upon obtaining (and paying for, as applicable) an ACE Alert subscription, SAR grants User and User accepts from SAR, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license (on the subscription level selected above) to receive ACE Alerts℠ and license any constituent data that comprises such ACE Alerts℠ solely for User’s personal, non-commercial use. User agrees that neither the ACE Alerts nor the contents thereof nor the data comprising same shall be used by User, directly or indirectly, on behalf of or to benefit third parties other than User. Nothing herein grants User the ability to resell the ACE Alerts℠, the contents thereof or the data that comprises same to third parties. User acknowledges and agrees that the ACE Alerts℠, the contents thereof and the data that comprises same is licensed (non-exclusively) by User and will remain solely owned by SAR. Upon termination or expiration of your subscription or account for any or no reason, you shall have the option of (i) permanently deleting all previously received ACE Alerts℠ (and all copies thereof and derivatives, content and data therefrom) and providing written confirmation to SAR of such deletion; or (ii) entering into a separate written licensing agreement with SAR for the continued limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the data that comprises any ACE Alerts℠(s) on terms and conditions that SAR deems appropriate in its sole and absolute discretion.

  14. Third Party Payment Processor. You understand and acknowledge that SAR uses a third-party payment processor to process your payment(s) for our Products. You represent and warrant that you are an authorized user of the payment method provided by you for the purchase of our Products. Your payment information (such as credit card information) is provided directly to said third-party payment processor, which may have its own terms of use, privacy policy and/or other terms, conditions or policies in effect. SAR does not receive or store your payment information and is therefore not responsible for same. You expressly agree that: (i) SAR is not responsible for any action or inaction by said third-party payment processor; and (ii) SAR shall not be liable to you for any loss, harms, liability, costs, fees, fines, expenses or damages with respect to your payment information (including, without limitation, the unauthorized leak, release or disclosure of same). You hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless SAR from and against any loss, harms, liability, costs, fees, fines, expenses or damages with respect to your payment information (including, without limitation, the unauthorized leak, release or disclosure of same) and/or any action or inaction by said third-party payment processor.

  15. Prohibited Actions. User shall not: (a) share, distribute, lend, lease, sublicense or otherwise make available the Products (including ACE Alerts℠ and the contents thereof), as available, in any manner whatsoever, with or to any third party; (b) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Products or Websites, as available, or attempt to locate or obtain its or their source code; (c) attempt to alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other proprietary notice contained within the Products or Websites, as available; (d) make use of the Products or Websites, as available, in any manner not in accordance with the Terms; or (e) violate any applicable laws, rules or regulations in connection with User’s access or use of the Products or Websites, as available.

  16. Limitation on Liability. Our Websites and Products are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and we make no guarantees that they always will be safe, secure, uninterrupted or error-free, or that they will function without disruptions, delays, or imperfections. User covenants, represents and warrants that it accepts sole and complete responsibility for: (a) the use of the Websites and Products in accordance with the Terms to achieve User’s intended results; and (b) the results obtained from the Websites and Products. WE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE WEBSITES AND PRODUCTS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall we be liable to you for any lost profits, revenues, information, or data, or consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, punitive, incidental or like damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of or related to the Terms, our Websites or our Products (or your use of or inability to use same), even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In addition (without limiting the foregoing), you hereby acknowledge and agree that our aggregate liability to you arising out of or relating to the Terms, our Websites or our Products (or your use of or inability to use same), whether for any loss, harms, liability, costs, expenses, damages or otherwise, will not exceed the lesser of: (i) $25,000; or (ii) the total subscription fees paid by you to SAR during the twelve (12) months preceding the claim date. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply regardless of our negligence, breach of the Terms, strict liability, non-compliance with law or other fault. You specifically acknowledge that our liability for damages suffered by you are limited and liquidated as set forth herein. To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to waive any and all protections available to you under applicable law, including, but not limited to, general release protections. You acknowledge and agree that each provision of the Terms that sets forth a limitation of our liability, disclaimer of warranties and/or damages exclusion is a necessary basis of the bargain between you and us, and that the Websites and Products would not be offered or made available to you without same.


  18. Forum Selection; Waiver of Jury Trial. Any legal or equitable claim or cause of action relating to or arising out of the Terms, our Websites or our Products (or your use of or inability to use same) (referred to as a “Claim”) shall be brought exclusively in the Maryland state courts sitting in Montgomery County, Maryland or the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, Greenbelt Division (to the express exclusion of all other jurisdictions). You hereby irrevocably agree and consent that such forum is convenient and has jurisdiction over the parties to hear and decide any and all such Claims and you waive any argument that such court is improper, or such jurisdiction or forum is inconvenient.  For any Claim, the substantially prevailing party’s reasonable costs, necessary disbursements and attorneys' fees incurred shall be paid for by the other party. YOU HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVE, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY RIGHT YOU MAY HAVE: (I) TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY LEGAL PROCEEDING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO A CLAIM; AND (II) TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO A CLAIM.

  19. Governing Law. The Terms, our Websites and our Products (and your use of or inability to use same) will be governed by applicable Federal laws and the laws of the state of Maryland, without regard to conflict of law provisions. Maryland’s Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act shall not apply.

  20. Entire Agreement; Severability. The Terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained therein. You acknowledge that we are not bound by and you have not relied on any representation, promise, condition, inducement or warranty (express or implied) not included in the Terms. If any provision in the Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. In the event that a provision of the Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, said provision will be modified to the minimum extent necessary to render it valid and enforceable. Said modified provision will be in full force and effect as if it were originally part of the Terms. Any waiver of the Terms must be expressly made in writing, signed by us. Failure to strictly enforce any provision of the Terms does not constitute a waiver. A waiver of any part of the Terms in one instance is not a waiver of any other part or any other instance.

  21. Remedies. In the event User breaches or attempts or threatens to breach any of the provisions of the Terms, User hereby acknowledges that monetary remedies may be inadequate to fully compensate SAR for such breach or attempted or threatened breach. Accordingly, in such case, and not excluding any other remedy at law or in equity or under the Terms, SAR shall have the right, in addition to such other remedies that may be available, to injunctive relief enjoining such breach or attempted or threatened breach by User without the requirement to show actual damages or post a bond or other security.

  22. Software. We are not responsible or liable for any damages to or changes in the performance of your computer or device following access or use of our Websites or Products.

  23. Updating Terms. We have the right to update, modify or amend the Terms from time to time, within our sole and absolute discretion. Once any updated, modified or amended Terms are in effect, they will be posted at and you will be bound by them if you continue to use or access any of our Websites or purchase or use any of our Products. The most recent version of the Terms in effect will always be posted at If you do not agree with any updated, modified or amended Terms, you must immediately cease: (i) using or accessing any of our Websites; and (ii) receiving, purchasing or using any of our Products.

  24. Assignability. You will not transfer any of your rights or obligations under the Terms to anyone else without our prior written consent. The Terms do not confer any third-party beneficiary rights. We may assign this contract, within our sole and absolute discretion, without obtaining your consent or providing you with any notice.

  25. All Rights Reserved. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you.


  27. Headings. The headings in the Terms are for convenience of reference only and do not control or affect the contents of any provision contained herein.

  28. Notices. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, any notice required to be sent to us under or pursuant to the Terms must be sent by certified mail to SAR, LLC, 4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 410, Bethesda, MD 20814, with a copy to our current Resident Agent as listed in the public records of the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation. Any notice required or permitted to be sent to you under or pursuant to the Terms will be sent to the address or email address you provide. If you fail to provide an address or email address, any required notices will automatically be deemed timely given to you.

  29. No Interpretations Against Drafter. The Terms shall not be interpreted or construed against a party by reason of that party being the drafter.

  30. No Partnership. Nothing in the Terms or otherwise is intended to or shall operate to create a partnership between User and SAR or authorize either party to act as an agent for the other, and neither party shall have the authority to act in the name or on behalf of or otherwise bind the other in any way.

  31. Force Majeure. We are not liable or responsible for any failure, delay or interruption on our part with respect to our Websites, our Products or our compliance with the Terms due, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any reasons or circumstances beyond our reasonable control (including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, acts of God, war, strikes, labor shortages, casualty, terrorism, severe weather, epidemics, pandemics, COVID-19, supply chain issues, material shortages, failure of a utility service or transport or telecommunications network, governmental orders, riots, boycotts, embargoes or otherwise).

  32. Intellectual Property Claims. We respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). If you believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please contact us at

  33. Notice to California Residents. Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California users receive the following consumer rights notice – For complaints or further information, we can be contacted in writing at SAR, LLC, 4720 Montgomery Lane, Suite 410, Bethesda, MD 20814, or by telephone at 202-436-9994. The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N112, Sacramento, CA 95834, or by telephone at 800-952-5210. 

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